The highlight of my weekend was watching a 200-strong crowd shout in unison: Poverty is Sexist. We were gathered on International Women’s Day to launch ONE’s new campaign in the presence of government and UN officials, action/2015 partners, celebrities, the media and over 200 ONE supporters at Indaba Conference Centre in Johannesburg.
Our voices were heard in Malabo, we made a difference! On January 20, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we launched the Do Agric, It Pays campaign. The campaign called on African governments to keep their promises to invest in agriculture and support smallholder farmers when they meet at the AU Heads Of state summit in June in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. Over the course of the campaign, over 2 million Africans rose to the occasion and joined us in sending this message to...
My name is Bon Kalindo, better known as WINIKO. I am a comedian, teacher and social rights activist. Most importantly, I am a Malawian who loves my country. I am supporting ONE's You Choose campaign which encourages my fellow Malawians to participate in the next level of Millennium Development Goals by simply sending an SMS message. We are inviting views and suggestions from Malawians on what we want the next goals for eradicating poverty to be. You’ll hear me on radio requesting...
Is South Africa closer to the dream of becoming a Rainbow Nation 18 years post apartheid? “The Day of Reconciliation”  is a public holiday in South Africa held annually on 16 December. The holiday came into effect in 1994 after the end of apartheid, with the intention of fostering reconciliation and national unity It is important to note that this day has historically been recognised by two opposing sides. On one hand, South Africans of Dutch descent commemorating the victory at...