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You could showcase your design genius at the AU Summit


Aya Chebbi, the African Union Youth Envoy, has some exciting news to share:

Aya is looking for a young African designer to collaborate with to design an exceptional outfit for her to wear to this year’s African Union Summit in February. This is a fantastic opportunity for designers to show off their creative genius at the AU Summit in Ethiopia.

The outfit should draw inspiration from the theme of the year, “Silencing The Guns”. This theme focuses on ‘ending all wars, civil conflicts, gender-based violence, violent conflicts and preventing genocide in the continent by 2020.’

Check out Aya Chebbi’s call to young African designers

The AU Summit gathers all heads of state and governments, hundreds of partners and guests to create solutions and chart the future for Africa.

The deadline for submission is 24 January 2019.

Aya will announce the winning designer on the African Union Youth Envoy social media channels and website on 26 January 2019.

If you think you’re the designer for this collaboration, please submit your creative ideas here.

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