
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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Interview: Bono and Bill Gates discuss pandemics, politics, and more

6 things you might not know about foreign aid

6 things you might not know about foreign aid

18,645 actions from members. 6,048 miles in a caravan. ONE Vote ’16.

18,645 actions from members. 6,048 miles in a caravan. ONE Vote ’16.

Exit interview with Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Dana J. Hyde

Exit interview with Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Dana J. Hyde

A look back: President Obama’s role in fighting global poverty

A look back: President Obama’s role in fighting global poverty

6 inauguration speeches that highlight the ongoing fight against poverty

6 inauguration speeches that highlight the ongoing fight against poverty

Read the letter this young activist just wrote to President Obama

Read the letter this young activist just wrote to President Obama

21 shocking facts about global poverty

21 shocking facts about global poverty

6 quotes that show how the world can be a better place by 2030

6 quotes that show how the world can be a better place by 2030

14 times faith leaders inspired us in the fight against poverty

14 times faith leaders inspired us in the fight against poverty

VIDEO: Kid President’s words of wisdom on the Global Goals!

VIDEO: Kid President’s words of wisdom on the Global Goals!

10 youth movements changing the world

10 youth movements changing the world

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.