Our Model for Change

What We Do

Our Model for Change

We work to ensure everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity. How? 

By bringing together activists’ voices and hard-hitting data and policy analysis. We use all this to pressure decision-makers to pass laws and take actions that will help tackle the world’s biggest challenges.

Our activists

We have a network of dedicated activists and supporters across Africa, Europe, and North America. They participate in public events, advocate in their communities, and put pressure on politicians to build awareness of the world’s injustices and pressure lawmakers to act. 


Our team of policy experts produce data and analysis that explore the causes and consequences of injustices and how we can combat them. We use this research to build impactful campaigns and to make a compelling, data-driven case to the public and to lawmakers about why the policies we recommend will work.

Public campaigning

We build campaigns through petitions, events, messages to decision makers, social media and video content, and more to bring together activists from around the world who want to make a difference in the world. When thousands of voices demand change, it’s hard to ignore.

Pressuring lawmakers

Equipped with public support and expert policy research, we take our demands straight to lawmakers. From Abuja to Brussels to Washington, D.C., we pressure and persuade governments to listen to the voices of our activists and to pass laws and budgets that will address the world’s most pressing problems, from extreme poverty, to climate change, to pandemics. 


Of course, we couldn’t do this alone. We partner with community organizers, local activist groups, and other organizations to ensure we’re making as much noise as possible and working together to deliver impactful change.

Want to join us?

All we need is your voice.