Barb Barrar has been a ONE activist from the very start – since May 16, 2004, the day ONE was launched in Philadelphia. On ONE’s 20th birthday, we chatted with Barb about her first 20 years as an activist – and what she hopes to see in the next!
Janet Kallon is an auditor, activist, entrepreneur – and a 2023 Mandela Washington Fellow. She calls Sierra Leone home but, for the month of August, she worked out of ONE’s Washington, D.C. office as part of her fellowship, which champions young African leaders.  Learn more about Janet, in her own words:  Q: Tell us a little about yourself!  I’m Janet, and I’m from Sierra Leone. I’ve been a dedicated advocate for 10 years! In my day job I help provide audits and...
We know you’ve browsed your Spotify Wrapped, but what about your 2022 Wrapped… ONE edition? Last year you fought back against some of the greatest challenges of our time – inflation, COVID-19, climate change, and many more. We broke down some of your greatest hits from 2022 to help you get motivated for another year of game-changing activism. Watch our video below to find out!  
The summer is a great time to relax and recharge. It’s also a great time to take stock of your activism work and give it a refresh. With warmer weather and longer days, you can fill your free time working to change the world for the better. And some of it may be easier than you think. That’s why we’re sharing nine easy ways to kickstart your activism this summer. Keep reading to find out! Start a summer reading list The summer is...
ONE’s supporters hail from all walks of life and across the globe, coming together for simply one mission: to ensure that everyone, regardless of where they live, can live a life of dignity and opportunity. But for those who are just getting familiar with ONE and the work that we do, there are many ways to become a ONE supporter, ranging from taking a simple action to becoming an official ONE activist. Here’s a closer look. Sign our petitions At ONE, we’re advocating...
This year, in the face of a global pandemic, the fight against global poverty and inequality became tougher, but more important than ever. Our tireless activists fought for fair deals on debt, vaccine access, aid budgets, and more. Hundreds of thousands of global activists signed petitions, completed surveys, tweeted at or sent emails to politicians, attended briefing calls, shared messages of solidarity, or danced to our anthem “Stand Together.” Here’s a quick look at some of what ONE and our activists...
“It is our responsibility to prepare children to take on future challenges with knowledge, integrity, and care,” Alexandra, a ONE youth ambassador from Italy, believes. That’s why investing in and preparing future generations now is the key to creating a better future for everyone, regardless of age, around the world. World Children’s Day does just that by promoting children’s rights. Having started in 1954, every year on 20 November the world comes together “to promote international togetherness, awareness among children...
Activists from across the United States were on Capitol Hill this week to lobby their lawmakers to tackle global health and poverty challenges. After three days of advocacy training, 160 activists were at the Capitol on Tuesday February 25 for ONE’s annual Power Summit. This year, we advocated for funding for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and for senators to pass a bill to help stop global corruption and money laundering. Want to get involved? Call your representative and ask them to...
ONE members come from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum. They’re artists and activists, faith and business leaders, students and scientists. ONE members take action day in, day out — organizing, mobilizing, educating, and advocating so that people will have the chance not just to survive, but to thrive. They all give their time and talents to ONE for the same reason — a commitment to ending extreme poverty and preventable diseases. They know that...