Press Releases
Latest Press Releases
Over 1,000 New Yorkers Train for Fight Against Global Disease and Extreme Poverty
Over 1,000 New Yorkers Train for Fight Against Global Disease and Extreme Poverty. The ONE Campaign Hosts Citizens’ Advocacy Training.
Over 1,000 New Yorkers Train for Fight Against Global Disease and Extreme Poverty
Over 1,000 New Yorkers Train for Fight Against Global Disease and Extreme Poverty
The ONE Campaign Hosts Citizens’ Advocacy Training
IDOL Gives Back Two-Night Special to Benefit Children and Young People in Need in America and Aforica
IDOL Gives Back Two-Night Special to Benefit Children and Young People in Need in America and Africa.
NAACP and ONE Campaign Announce Historic Alliance to Fight Global Aids and Extreme Poverty in Africa
NAACP and ONE Campaign Announce Historic Alliance to Fight Global Aids and Extreme Poverty in Africa.
NAACP and ONE Campaign Announce Historic Alliance to Fight Global Aids and Extreme Poverty in Africa
NAACP and ONE Campaign Announce Historic Alliance to Fight Global Aids and Extreme Poverty in Africa.
ONE Campaign Statement on President’s FY 2008 Budget Request
ONE Campaign Statement on President’s FY 2008 Budget Request.
One Campaign Statement On 2007 Budget Funding For HIV/AIDS, TB And Malaria
One Campaign Statement On 2007 Budget Funding For HIV/AIDS, TB And Malaria.
ONE Campaign Statement on President Bush’s State of the Union Address
ONE Campaign Statement on President Bush’s State of the Union Address.
Dallas Becomes the 60th City to Join in the Fight Against Global Aids & Extreme Poverty with ONE Campaign
Dallas Becomes the 60th City to Join in the Fight Against Global Aids & Extreme Poverty with ONE Campaign.
ONE Board Names Jack Oliver and Dan Rosensweig as Co-Chairs
Reaching from Capitol Hill to the Internet, ONE announced today that it has tapped Republican strategist Jack Oliver and Yahoo! Chief Operating Officer Dan Rosensweig as co-chairs of ONE’s growing campaign to build a national grassroots constituency to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty.
ONE Delivers Over 250,000 Letters Calling on Congress to Renew Poverty-Fighting African Trade Legislation
Today, ONE members from across the country are delivering over 250,000 letters to Capitol Hill, calling on Congress to help up to 150,000 Africans keep working and escaping the cycle of poverty through renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) “third country fabric provision
ONE Super Tuesday: Democrats and Republicans Come Together For One Day to Fight Global AIDS and Extreme Poverty
With two weeks until Election Day, ONE announced today that Democrats and Republicans have come together across the political aisle to help fight global AIDS and extreme poverty – posting the new “ONE Vote” PSA on the front pages of both and