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ONE sounds the alarm: President Trump appears ready to surrender the global fight against AIDS

WASHINGTON — After 15 years of strong, bipartisan American leadership and incredible progress in the global fight against AIDS, the Trump Administration appears ready to trade the iconic red…

ONE Campaign welcomes Peter Sands as Global Fund Executive Director

WASHINGTON — Gayle Smith, the President and CEO of The ONE Campaign and a former administrator of USAID, released the following statement on the announcement of Peter Sands as…

Separating fact from fiction in the New York Post column on ONE

By Ian Koski Director of Communications for North America ONE is deeply concerned about the false and misleading opinion piece published in the New York Post today by Paula Froelich. While…

The toughest places for a girl to get an education

ONE’s ground-breaking report, The Toughest Places for a Girl to Get an Education, reveals the ten toughest countries and highlights some of the many unique barriers girls face. The…

ONE endorses bipartisan bill to study effectiveness of international organizations

The ONE Campaign today offered its support for the introduction of theMultilateral Aid Review Act of 2017, a bipartisan bill to study the accountability and effectiveness of international organizations supported by the United States government.

Former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte joins board of The ONE Campaign

WASHINGTON — Former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) will join the board of directors of The ONE Campaign, the global advocacy organization co-founded by U2 lead singer Bono to…

ONE reacts: Leaders set out to tackle the global education emergency

Today must be the day that the world turns a corner and tackles the global education emergency. Over 130 million girls are out of school — that’s over 130 million potential engineers, entrepreneurs, and politicians whose leadership the world is missing out on. It’s a resource-waste of epic proportions, and a global crisis that perpetuates poverty.

World leaders commit to tackling global education crisis that is holding back millions of children and threatening progress and stability

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres; United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed; heads of state of France, Norway, Malawi and Senegal; and other global education leaders today committed to tackling the global ‘education crisis’ holding back millions of children and threatening progress, at a high-level event in New York City.

ONE Campaign welcomes Senate confirmation of Mark Green as USAID administrator

“It’s really been remarkable to see such strong, bipartisan support for Mark Green’s nomination these last few months, and it’s great to see that support translate into a unanimous Senate confirmation today. I think it’s emblematic not only of Ambassador Green’s clear qualifications, but of Congress’ appreciation for USAID’s work in the fight against extreme poverty.”

House’s spending plan for foreign operations would be dangerous

“An 11 percent cut to the budgets of USAID and State may look better than the 30 percent cut proposed by the President, but it would still be profoundly…

Jones, Petraeus, McChrystal, Mullen, Stavridis, McRaven and other top military leaders warn Congress about President Trump’s foreign aid cuts

16 top retired generals and admirals: “The severe cuts to the State Department and USAID that the Administration has proposed will make America less safe, and Congress should reject…

ONE Campaign responds to President Trump’s FY18 budget proposal

WASHINGTON — The following statement on President Trump’s full budget proposal for FY18 is from Tom Hart, North America executive director at The ONE Campaign: “There is so much that…