Did you know that vaccines are one of the most cost-effective health tools ever invented? Or that immunization is one of humanity’s greatest achievements?   It’s pretty impressive that something as small as a needle or as simple as a few orally administered droplets could save so many lives. Ensuring everyone can access vaccines is one of the biggest ways we can fight not only preventable diseases, but also inequality and poverty.    Here are six facts about the power of vaccines.   Millions of...
Hotter days. Worsening air quality. More droughts, stronger hurricanes, and increased flooding. All these climate events impact everyone’s health. But they’re most likely to impact the most vulnerable places and people. So it’s also making inequality worse. Here’s how. It can help diseases spread more easily Climate change affects how infectious diseases develop and travel. Warmer temperatures create inviting new habitats for mosquito-borne illnesses — like the recent malaria cases in the US. It also extends the warm season, which means malaria-infected...
It may feel like the world is crumbling under the weight of the climate crisis, soaring cost of living, and inequality. But it's not time to give up. It's time to take bold action. Al Pacino is here to give us all a halftime pep talk to keep fighting. https://youtu.be/s9wyryL6hCE Join the ONE Campaign and find out how you can fight for progress, one inch at a time. Every action toward ending poverty, ending inequality, and standing up for justice...
Things… aren’t great in the world right now. If it feels like the world isn’t making the progress we need on climate change, equality, and poverty, that’s because, well, we’re not. It can be hard to conceptualize what this long-term progress should look like. To break it down, we created five stats that help put things in perspective. We also have some ways you can take action. We’re not powerless to these challenges, no matter how big and gloomy they...
You might have seen reports we‘re headed for a ’tripledemic‘ this winter. But what is it? It’s the combination of COVID, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, that threatens to overwhelm hospitals over the coming months. Why might this happen? Let‘s look at four reasons behind this. 1. COVID cases are rising  Although COVID cases are currently low, they‘re rising in parts of the US. China, the UK, France, and Germany have seen an increase in people being admitted to...
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria is a global player that helps fight these three preventable diseases. This year, global leaders had the opportunity to reinvest in the Global Fund, and there was a huge amount at stake. In fact, the Global Fund could save 20 million lives by the year 2026 with its request for $18 billion. Watch our video below to find out just how big of an impact this is. So, how much did global...
Did you know that tuberculosis is the second leading infectious disease cause of death after COVID-19? Or that before the discovery of the actual cause of tuberculosis, the disease was thought to be hereditary? As the global fight to end tuberculosis continues, here are seven facts you need to know about the disease. 10 million people were living with tuberculosis in 2020 In 2020, it was estimated that 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis worldwide. And in that same year, 1.5...
This blog was previously published in 2022 and updated in April 2024. TELL WORLD LEADERS TO HELP END MALARIA Malaria remains a global health crisis, and it‘s up to advocacy and action from people around the world to end this crisis once and for all. But what do you really know about the disease? Do you know what type of mosquito spreads it? Or what the symptoms are? Here are 6 facts you should know about malaria. More than 240 million people...
There has been a lot of misinformation about monkeypox. We‘ve unpacked five crucial things to know. Monkeypox has joined COVID-19 and polio on the official list of public health emergencies On 23 July, the World Health Organization officially designated monkeypox as a “public health emergency of international concern.” Currently only COVID-19 and polio are on that list. At least 75 countries have reported over 16,000 cases so far. The WHO is forecasting that there could be over 27,000 cases across 88 countries by...
The Global Fund is an organization designed to end AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria as epidemics. Since its creation in 2002, the Global Fund has helped save 44 million lives and halved the combined death rate from all three diseases. It has invested more than $53 billion over 20 years. Annually, the Global Fund mobilizes and invests more than $4 billion into programs run by local experts in more than 100 countries to fight all three diseases. The Global Fund and...