Throughout this pandemic, we have been awed by the incredible acts of humanity taking place to protect those most in need and to help flatten the curve. People around the world are banding together in solidarity to do their parts. In 2020, we put an open call out to our ONE Supporters and asked them to share their stories of solidarity with us. We were blown away by the responses, and we decided to bring some of those stories to...
Ending the COVID-19 pandemic and minimising its impact largely depends on finding effective ways to treat and immunise against the disease. Here’s the good news: so far, billions in funding has been mobilised in record time to fast-track research and development on COVID-19. Plus, there are over 500 treatment and vaccine candidates in development, with some COVID-19 vaccine campaigns already underway. But the bad news: this is only half the battle. A historic effort Delivering medication and vaccines at the speed and scale...
In 2020, global health has gone from a fringe issue to the forefront of people’s mind, all thanks to COVID-19. The last time the entire world came close to being as focused on a pandemic threat was over two decades ago, when HIV/AIDS was killing almost 4,000 people every day and new infections doubled year after year. Since then, the global response to AIDS has become a success story, and AIDS-related deaths have been cut by more than half. Today,...
In order to end this pandemic, everyone must play their part, and that includes the private sector. Their leadership, innovation, skills, knowledge, and financial muscle are desperately needed. This crisis has undoubtedly taken a heavy toll on businesses, but the quickest way to get back on track is to end the pandemic. Companies can play a critical role in getting vaccines and other treatments to the people globally who need them. Whether through investing in the ACT-Accelerator initiative, committing to...
Global coverage of protests against police brutality in Nigeria continues, as Tanzanians head to the polls in a crucial election. And as government representatives gathered virtually for the World Health Summit, a new study finds a global mental health crisis and African nations announce plans to increase the use of rapid diagnostic COVID-19 tests. Here are six crucial stories you may have missed this month. Nigerian protests against police brutality in the global spotlight Earlier this month, Nigerian security forces opened fire...
Olaoluwa Abagun is an activist and founder of the Girl Pride Circle. Here’s her story about how COVID-19 has impacted girls in Nigeria, and her hope for the future. For many young girls across Nigeria, their classrooms and schools have served as safe spaces – where they can interact with their peers, learn critical skills, and express their hopes and dreams without fear. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the closure of these safe spaces with very limited alternatives for learning...
Africa is declared free of wild polio thanks to extensive vaccination campaigns, a new report finds 2019 was the most dangerous year for humanitarian workers, and political talks stall after a coup in Mali. Here are six stories you might have missed this month. COVID-19 is derailing progress on AIDS, malaria, and TB Before COVID-19, rates of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis were declining. But now, nearly 80% of TB, HIV, and malaria programs worldwide have reported disruptions in services, according to the...
In 2005 after the SARS epidemic, 196 countries signed on to the International Health Regulations (IHR). They laid out a set of goals to ensure countries were prepared to detect and respond to public health events. But today, no country is fully compliant. On average, low-income countries score lowest in their capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks, according to the Global Health Security Index, which measures the health security and capabilities of countries that signed on to the IHR....
Community masking is critical to stop the spread of COVID-19, and the science backs it up. Along with social distancing and hand washing, wearing a mask is one of the best prevention tools we have until there are viable vaccines or treatments. That’s why we’re joining #WorldMaskWeek, a global movement to inspire more people to wear face coverings to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We now know that any of us could be carrying and spreading the virus, even if...
COVID-19 has spread from a health crisis to an economic crisis to a societal crisis in a matter of months. But we know what we need to find our way out of this crisis and build back stronger and more prepared. Experts have the facts, science, data, and advice to tackle this crisis — and global leadership should follow that advice. Here’s recommendations from 10 leading experts on what it will take to tackle COVID-19. On vaccines If a country takes an...