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Africa needs to increase vaccine production 73-fold to reach its vaccine sovereignty target  

Ahead of the Global Forum for Vaccine Sovereignty and Innovation in Paris on the 20th June, analysis from The ONE Campaign finds that just 1.1% of Africa’s vaccine supply actually comes from Africa, with Asia providing over half and Europe over one-third of Africa’s vaccine supply. 

G7 in Italy: Pointless Platitudes in Puglia 

Without any concrete action, the G7 in Italy amounts to no more than pointless platitudes in Puglia. The G7 leaders had an opportunity to chart an ambitious path forward on economic development, but this year’s summit sorely missed the mark.

Who will the EU be in the world of tomorrow? 

Statement from 54 groups in response to the mid-term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and in preparation of the EU’s next Strategic Agenda (2024-2029) and new MFF beyond 2027.

ONE Campaign Announces Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli as New CEO

The Board of The ONE Campaign has named Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli as its President and CEO

EU’s geopolitical influence in peril: CSOs support DEVE Committee against budget cuts to the external action budget 

Aidsfonds, Global Citizen and ONE reacted: “We welcome the DEVE committee leadership in upholding the integrity of the NDICI regulation, the EU’s global commitments and the EU’s funding targets.

ONE responds to the world’s first routine malaria vaccine programme

ONE responds to the world’s first routine malaria vaccine programme for children in Cameroon

ONE welcomes the appointment of Dr Sania Nishtar as new Gavi CEO

The global anti-poverty organisation, The ONE Campaign, has issued the following statement following the announcement that Dr Sania Nishtar has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Dr Nishtar will assume the role as of 18 March 2024.

26 EU leaders’ agreement to the MFF mid-term revision is shortsighted

26 EU leaders provisional agreement to the MFF midterm revision is shortsighted

ONE responds to COP28 outcome

ONE responds to COP28 outcome: “Sadly we haven’t seen anything like the progress needed to stem the tide of the climate crisis.”

Four actions EU leaders must agree to do to preserve Europe’s global leadership 

Member states have another clear opportunity to show where the EU stands internationally: the mid-term revision of the bloc’s 7-year budget. Will the EU turn inwards and again be ‘Fortress Europe’, or will it show itself capable of being a reliable global partner, even during difficult times?

ONE Responds to Government White Paper outlining updated vision for International Development

Today the UK Government has released its White Paper on International Development in a conflicted world. ONE has welcomed the paper, but there are still questions on delivery


ONE responds to appointment of David Cameron as Foreign Secretary