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LEADERS URGED TO END GENDER INEQUALITY WHEN THEY GATHER FOR G7 SUMMIT In a video released today, leaders of the world’s richest countries are challenged to seize the gauntlet to…

Boris Johnson wins Conservative leadership contest: Next Prime Minister must not diminish Britain’s global standing, warns ONE

The new Prime Minister must continue the UK’s central role in the fight against global poverty to ensure Britain retains its global standing, said campaigning organisation ONE, as it…

ONE reacts to the initiative on financial inclusion of women in Africa presented at the G7 Finance ministerial today

“If there is one issue Finance Ministers should agree on, it’s women economic empowerment in Africa.” Chantilly, July 18 2019 – Today, on the French government’s invitation, Melinda Gates presents…

ONE welcomes the election of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission

ONE welcomes the election of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission Brussels –  On behalf of its 2 million members in Europe, ONE welcomes the election…

ONE welcomes the appointment of David M. Sassoli as President of the European Parliament

On behalf of its 2 million members in Europe, ONE welcomes the appointment of David M. Sassoli as President of the European Parliament.  Friederike Röder, EU and France Director at…

ONE Responds to UK pledge to the Global Fund

Today, the British Government announced its pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM). The UK will contribute £1.4 billion  to GFATM, demonstrating Britain’s…

ONE welcomes Health Ministers’ declaration of support for Global Fund

Paris, 17 May 2019. At the G7 health ministerial in Paris, G7 health ministers agreed to commit to support the success of the Sixth Replenishment Conference of the Global…

ONE reacts to the Foreign Affairs Council of Development Ministers

Brussels – The Foreign Affairs Council of Development Ministers adopted today conclusions on the 2019 EU development aid targets. The EU and its member states maintain their position as…

Disease is winning but we are focused elsewhere

AIDS kills nearly one million people each year. ONE creates an open letter with 23 other organisations to the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker asking for a pledge before the conference

Reaction to the G7 gender ministerial – 130 million girls out of school, nearly 1000 women infected with HIV every day

PARIS – Today, the Gender Equality Advisory Council (GEAC), a consultative G7 body, presented its declaration on gender equality to key gender ministers in the run-up to the G7…

ONE calls G7 leaders to turn promises into real progress on gender equality

This week, the G7 gender ministerial will be held in Paris. It will be preceded by the civil society event W7 (Women7) and the publication of the recommendations of…

ONE: “G7 needs radical change to stay relevant, starting with Foreign Ministers”

On the eve of the first G7 ministerial meeting under France’s presidency, ONE calls on G7 Foreign Affairs ministers to prove that multilateralism is still relevant in the fight…