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Former ONE Campaign staff attend private meeting with members of ONE Leadership and Board in Johannesburg, South Africa

Former staff from the ONE Campaign’s South Africa office met with the organization’s co-founder, Bono, as well as ONE CEO Gayle Smith, ONE Board Chair Tom Freston, and ONE Africa Executive Director Rudo Kwaramba-Kayombo in Johannesburg, South Africa to discuss past work practices and their employment conditions in ONE’s Johannesburg office between 2011-2015.

Dati OCSE: ONE allarmata per il calo dell’aiuto pubblico allo sviluppo italiano

Oggi il Comitato per l’aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE) ha pubblicato i dati preliminari sull’aiuto pubblico allo sviluppo (APS) relativi al 2018.

Global aid falls in 2018: The EU should be stepping up, not walking away

Global aid has fallen for the second year in a row, according to new data released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC),…

Global aid falls in 2018: The world should be stepping up, not walking away

Global aid has dropped for the second year on the row. Particularly worrying in is the drop in the poorest countries

ONE responds to preliminary 2018 UK aid statistics

Today, the Office of National Statistics has released preliminary figures showing the amount of Official Development Assistance (ODA) the UK gave in 2019. The figures show that the UK…

ONE reacts to the European Parliament’s vote on the future of the external aid structure

The European Parliament voted to reaffirm EU’s leadership role in the fight against extreme poverty by proposing binding targets for gender and human development, particularly education and health, in…

Where is the progress promised on gender? Women at “the frontlines of fight against gender inequality and global poverty” speak out 

As current pace of change means global gender equality won’t be reached for 108 years, powerful open letter warns this is “unacceptable” 45 activists from across Africa co-sign letter…

ONE Responds to calls to cut the UK aid budget

Cutting the UK’s aid budget – as proposed in a new report by The Henry Jackson Society, which was cited by Boris Johnson MP on the Today programme and…

ONE applauds African leadership on health

In a significant week for global health ahead of the African Union (AU) Summit, African leaders and global partners today gathered in Addis Ababa to launch a new initiative…

The ONE Campaign welcomes Ireland’s Global Fund pledge

The ONE campaign welcome’s Ireland’s commitment to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The pledge, made today ahead of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa,…

The ONE Campaign announce the appointment of Tim Cole to the role of Executive Director, Europe

The ONE Campaign is pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Cole to the role of Executive Director, Europe. He will join on 25 February and lead ONE’s advocacy and campaigning strategies in major European donor markets, notably the UK, France, Germany and EU institutions.

Discrepancies in aid spending failing world’s poorest

Inconsistent and unfocused aid spending by parts of the British Government is failing the world’s poorest people, according to a new Index released today [04/02/19] by the ONE Campaign.