
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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5 Questions about Ebola, answered with infographics

5 Questions about Ebola, answered with infographics

Your daily energy use vs Africa’s

Your daily energy use vs Africa’s

10 ways to remember Nelson Mandela, this week and every week

10 ways to remember Nelson Mandela, this week and every week

Early marriage and poverty: Why we must break the cycle

Early marriage and poverty: Why we must break the cycle

12 Inspiring films on social change you need to see

12 Inspiring films on social change you need to see

10 Quotes from famous Christians that will inspire you to act

10 Quotes from famous Christians that will inspire you to act

12 Data visualizations that illustrate poverty’s biggest challenges

12 Data visualizations that illustrate poverty’s biggest challenges

Where your sparkly eye makeup REALLY comes from

Where your sparkly eye makeup REALLY comes from

9 acts of individual defiance that changed the world

9 acts of individual defiance that changed the world

Living Below the Line: What $15 buys

Living Below the Line: What $15 buys

National Poetry Month: Uplifting verses from 11 strong female poets

National Poetry Month: Uplifting verses from 11 strong female poets

10 music collaborations that changed the world

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.