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4 ways to connect with your elected officials


Every person’s voice has the power to make a huge difference in the world, including in the fight to end extreme poverty. When you connect with your representatives, you are letting them know what changes you want to see in the world and telling them to make it happen.

Here are just four of the ways you can contact your officials and make your voice heard:

1. Call them

Picking up the phone and calling your elected official is a great way to make your voice heard. It only takes a few minutes, but can have a huge impact. (If you don’t know who your elected officials are, don’t worry! You can find them here.)

2. Write them

Do you have a lot of thoughts on a topic that your representatives need to know about? Then a letter or email may be a good option for you. A well-written document can give a lot of information that will persuade your readers. (Want some help? The National Council of Teachers of English can help you get your letter ready for your representatives.)

3. Meet them

If you’re looking for a more personal way to get your voice heard, there’s no better way than having a meeting. This method will take extra planning and time, but will lead to an encounter that your representative won’t forget. Check out these quick tips from the American Civil Liberties Union on how to request, prepare, and conduct your meeting with an elected official.

4. Tweet them

In the digital age, we need to use all resources available to have important conversations. You can use social media to your advantage by tweeting your elected officials. Tweet Congress has information on how to contact members of Congress directly.

Using your voice for good has a BIG impact. When ONE members take to Capitol Hill, demand meetings with their representatives, make calls, write letters, and sign petitions, key pieces of legislation — like the Electrify Africa Act and the READ Act — can become law.

And now you have a chance to do it again: The BUILD Act would bring tens of billions of dollars in new private-sector investment into the fight against extreme poverty by helping innovative entrepreneurs build infrastructure projects, create first-time access to electricity, start businesses, and expand their reach in fragile and developing countries.

Contact your senators and representatives today and ask them to cosponsor the BUILD Act. Together, U.S. aid programs and the private sector can provide the jobs and opportunity to help communities grow their way out of extreme poverty.

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