Ajayi Iyinoluwa Joshua is the winner of the 2024 Samantha Singh Memorial Award. The award-winning essay answered this question: ‘Write a data-driven memo on the impacts of climate change in your community, and what young activists can do to challenge the status quo.’ A photo of our colleague, Samantha Singh, who passed away in 2020. The Samantha Singh Memorial Award was established in her memory. As climate change tightens its grip in our community, the once predictable rhythms of nature are unraveling before...
Meet the seaweed farmers of Zanzibar. These women are pioneers in a profitable industry, which was previously dominated by men. They’ve used their profits to support their community and uplift women and girls in Zanzibar’s society. Now, that all could change. If they can’t adapt to the very real impacts of climate change, this $8 million industry, and these women’s livelihoods, are at risk. But these women aren’t giving up.  How these women broke barriers Seaweed farming began in Zanzibar, Tanzania, in the...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMZxCf6jCHE The impacts of the climate crisis are far-reaching. One impact is often overlooked: people's health. The people living in Kibera, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, are experiencing that first hand. But the community is rising up to tackle the threat. A group called Weather Mtaani helps the community understand weather forecasts and prepare for climate-related health risks from things like contaminated water. They also organize clean-ups to allow water to flow out of Kibera. ...
Every day, our activists are raising their voices for change and inspiring others to fight for climate justice. Which is why we want to introduce you to some of these amazing activists from across Africa. Meet six ONE Activists — Adenike, Faith, Juliet, Moses, Tonny, and Chris — who are leading the fight against the climate crisis in their communities and beyond.  Chris Arunga, Kenya What inspired his activism: Chris first heard about climate change in school. But when the impacts...
Climate change is a global threat, yet its misconceptions are as diverse as the regions it affects. Africa, with its rich biodiversity, is often at the center of several myths regarding climate change. Let’s separate myths from facts on this critical issue affecting the continent. Keep reading to find out.  Myth 1: Africa contributes significantly to global warming. Contrary to popular belief, Africa is responsible for roughly 4% of global...
The climate crisis impacts everyone, everywhere. But the African continent is feeling its effects the most. It’s the most climate-vulnerable region, despite having contributed the least to historic carbon emissions.  As the fight for climate justice continues, it’s important to share on-the-ground climate stories about the continent and the people who live there. Here are a few documentaries to watch now to learn more about climate in Africa.  “Thank You for the Rain”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO1-Z7kEyzo “Thank You for the Rain” follows Kenyan farmer, Kisilu Musya....
Hotter days. Worsening air quality. More droughts, stronger hurricanes, and increased flooding. All these climate events impact everyone’s health. But they’re most likely to impact the most vulnerable places and people. So it’s also making inequality worse. Here’s how. It can help diseases spread more easily Climate change affects how infectious diseases develop and travel. Warmer temperatures create inviting new habitats for mosquito-borne illnesses — like the recent malaria cases in the US. It also extends the warm season, which means malaria-infected...
It may feel like the world is crumbling under the weight of the climate crisis, soaring cost of living, and inequality. But it's not time to give up. It's time to take bold action. Al Pacino is here to give us all a halftime pep talk to keep fighting. https://youtu.be/s9wyryL6hCE Join the ONE Campaign and find out how you can fight for progress, one inch at a time. Every action toward ending poverty, ending inequality, and standing up for justice...
The climate crisis affects the entire planet. And the African continent is feeling those effects the hardest. Africa is the most climate-vulnerable region, despite contributing the least to historic carbon emissions. As the crisis continues, global leaders must take action to lessen its impact. African countries are doing just that. Here are a few examples. Rwanda Photo credit: Jon Evans via Flickr Creative Commons Did you know that Rwanda is plastic bag-free? That’s right, since 2008, Rwanda has banned plastic bags entirely. In...
Things… aren’t great in the world right now. If it feels like the world isn’t making the progress we need on climate change, equality, and poverty, that’s because, well, we’re not. It can be hard to conceptualize what this long-term progress should look like. To break it down, we created five stats that help put things in perspective. We also have some ways you can take action. We’re not powerless to these challenges, no matter how big and gloomy they...