To ensure that the world responds effectively to COVID-19 and the challenges it has presented, world leaders, companies, and individuals need to come together in a single response effort — a global pandemic of this magnitude demands a global response. Finding an effective vaccine is a key part of a global response plan. But that is only half the battle. After an effective vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available, world leaders must come together to ensure there is equitable access to a...
After the COVID-19 pandemic started, we launched our ONE World campaign, calling on the international community to join forces to combat the virus. Because a crisis of this scale requires a global response. In times of crisis, strong leadership is of the utmost importance. People all over the world are stepping up. Communities are leading, healthcare workers are leading, citizens are leading… and we need decision-makers to follow suit. Sadly, we have not seen the strong, consistent global leadership we...
The UN General Assembly is bringing together world leaders this week, all with the hope of making the world a better place for everyone, no matter where they are from. At this year’s UNGA, one topic is overshadowing events and speeches: COVID-19. The global pandemic has highlighted challenges and inequalities around the world, one of which is gender inequality. The pandemic’s effects could lead to disproportionate impacts on women’s work, girls’ education, and much more. That’s why we’re highlighting nine female...
In her first annual address to the European Parliament, President Ursula von der Leyen accomplished something few of her predecessors have managed to achieve: she was crystal clear. No lofty rhetoric. No mild-mannered circles around delicate topics. On a list of issues ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic response, to dealing with China, to fighting racism in Europe, President von der Leyen sent a strong, blunt and consistent message – the global system is breaking down, and we are...
Megan Gieske is a storyteller and photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa. Ntombi Mbinda gestures around the kitchen in her home; it’s a room only of women. One woman bends over a pot, stirring the day’s rice. Another cuts vegetables, their headwraps shine brilliantly in the slanting light of the afternoon sun. The women — Theodora, Lorna, Phindiwe, Nobuntu, and Noxolo — arrive every weekday at 8:30am to begin cooking from Ntombi’s home. Outside the kitchen, a garden Ntombi planted...
After the COVID-19 pandemic started, we launched our ONE World campaign, calling for the world to come together to create one global response to the pandemic, as a crisis of this scale requires a global response. Of course, in times of crisis, strong leadership is of the utmost importance. COVID-19 is a global crisis that requires a strong, coordinated global response from leaders. Unfortunately, the world hasn’t seen many global leaders step up in the appropriate way. ONE CEO Gayle Smith,...
The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to undo years of progress on global education. Since the pandemic started, school closures have affected up to 91% of enrolled learners, or 1.6 billion children. Here is a look at how countries’ policies on school closures evolved over the past six months. COVID-19 quickly transformed from a localized epidemic to a global pandemic with far-reaching consequences across sectors 6 months ago, when COVID-19 was still just a localized epidemic, only two countries had restrictions on...
The EU could help the poorest countries of the world to recover from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic by taxing financial transactions, both on and off the stock exchange. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only health consequences: it is likely to be followed by the worst economic crisis in almost a century. Tax revenues have fallen dramatically in many countries. Worldwide, this crisis could push an additional 100 million people into extreme poverty and leave 270 million people facing...
COVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of our global society, and people around the world are feeling these effects. While the fatality rates have disproportionately affected men — the case-fatality ratio (which is “the proportion of individuals diagnosed with a disease and die from that disease”) is 2.4 times higher for men than women — women and girls are among the most vulnerable socially and economically compared to their male counterparts. From being more likely to work in the informal...
Helene Gayle is a US doctor, CEO of the Chicago Community Trust, and the former CEO of CARE. We interviewed her as part of our #PassTheMic series. Here’s some of what she had to say. A coordinated global response to COVID is critical. This is a global pandemic and without global cooperation, we will not be able to have the effect that is so necessary in this ever more interconnected world. COVID has shown us, perhaps more than any other...