Today marks yet another moment in the “holidays without greeting cards” series: World Tuberculosis Day. Each year, there are 9 million new cases of TB and close to 2 million people die from the disease. An estimated 10 percent of people with TB also are co-infected with HIV, further compounding the diseases’ burden. Dr. Paul Nunn, a self-described “physician-turned-bureaucrat,” is responsible for coordinating TB control efforts throughout the WHO system...
Harriet Walton is an Emergency Medicine Nurse at University College Hospital, London. We interviewed her as part of our #PassTheMic campaign.
Here’s some of what she had to say.
I work in an emergency department in central London so, as you can imagine, we get patients from all over the world.
In the UK we are extremely fortunate to have the National Health Service (NHS), and it should never be taken for granted. We have one of the best health systems in...
Congratulations to Nigerian journalist Kiki Mordi for winning the 2020 Michael Elliott Award for African Storytelling! Of the 184 award applicants, Mordi was selected by a distinguished panel of judges for her documentary, “Sex for Grades.”
The winning documentary
The winning documentary originally ran on BBC Africa in October 2019 and follows Mordi as she went undercover to uncover the sexual harassment that students at universities in Nigeria and Ghana are facing.
Her work is the culmination of a nine-month long investigation...
Megan Gieske is a storyteller and photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa.
In South Africa, women are at risk.
South Africa has one of the highest rates of violence against women and girls in the world, and a femicide rate that is five times the global average, with an estimated 12.1 in 100,000 victims each year. South Africa’s gender-based violence statistics (GBV) are equal to a country at war.
South Africa held its yearly 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence,...
Reiche Länder haben fast dreimal so viele Covid-19 Impfdosen vorbestellt, als nötig, um ihre gesamte Bevölkerung zu impfen. Für ärmere Länder bleibt so nur wenig oder gar kein Impfstoff übrig.
Nach aktuellem Stand werden über 60% der Weltbevölkerung bis 2022 oder sogar noch später keinen Zugang zu einem Covid-19-Impfstoff haben. Das macht es dem Virus möglich, weiter zu mutieren und sich auszubreiten. Wir alle wünschen
Number of signatures
Number of people clicking to take the quiz/game
Number of people taking the post-game action (if possible)
It’d be good to get a sense of a.) how many people click with the intention of taking the quiz/game and how many people finish that and go on to take the meaningful action at the end of the quiz/game.