Last week G7 leaders gathered at their yearly Summit, took some photos and made promises that the world has (for the most part) already heard from them.    While the world’s most powerful leaders dined out on curated vegan menus at the G7 meetings, hundreds of millions of people plunged further into one of the worst food crises that the world has ever seen.    Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, nearly 800 million people around the world were facing or were...
This weekend the world’s most powerful global leaders will convene in Germany for yet another meeting of the G7, facing a convergence of crises that have only worsened over the last year and are putting hundreds of millions of lives at risk.  And last Friday, ONE Canada was in front of Parliament Hill to tell Prime Minister Trudeau that we want him to go to the G7 Summit with a real plan to tackle these converging crises. Getting out of...
Last week, ONE supporters took to the Hill alongside Results Canada, Global Citizen, GRAN, the Prevention Access Network, Stop-TB Canada, the TB Learning Network, and Plan International Canada.  The mission: to speak with Parliamentarians about the importance of Canada’s renewed commitment to the Global Fund.    The fight against HIV, TB, and malaria was the great unsung success story of this century.    Scientists, doctors, health workers, activists, donors, and governments all came together to tackle preventable disease.    And it was working. We had given...
The coincidence of Budget 2022 falling on World Health Day is not lost on us. The link between global health, development, and our prosperity has never been clearer. Two and half years into this global pandemic we have all seen fractured health systems, halted national economies, and disrupted global supply chains, not to mention the over 6 million people and counting who lost their lives. Global health security requires sufficient and predictable investment from countries like Canada. World Health Day...
If your social media feed or city streets were flooded with calls to #EndThePandemic once and for all, then you’re familiar with our Global Week of Action. From 15-22 January, ONE, our dedicated Global Activists, and our partners called on leaders of rich countries to finally make 2022 the year they end the pandemic and vaccinate the world. Here’s what happened. Taking over billboards and social media All week long ONE and it’s partners took over billboards in France, London and Berlin, plastered...
Why Canada should channel its SDRs to developing countries Imagine you and your sister are both going through the same economic crisis, but with very different means. You both lost your jobs, but you already paid off your mortgage and have savings in the bank. Your sister is a single mom with three kids and unpaid student debt. The bank is willing to give you a loan, but not your sister because she is less wealthy and her finances are...
After 36 days of campaigning and 16 million votes, the Government of Canada looks essentially identical to the previous one. Now, it is time to get back to work. The world is still facing a significant crisis: the global pandemic. Despite parliament not changing from when it was dissolved a little over a month ago, we lost five weeks of government action in one critical area: putting an end to the global Covid-19 pandemic. But there is a key moment tomorrow,...
Earlier this year, we celebrated Malala Day and Mandela Day: two incredible changemakers who have dedicated their lives to fighting injustice. As part of the celebrations, we composed a list of 10 well-known activists who lead, educate, and inspire us to change the world and asked ONE supporters to vote for their favourite. Over 7,000 supporters from around the globe cast their vote. Here are the top three activists as voted by ONE supporters in Canada: In first place with 27%...
We have more than enough vaccines, others don’t. Africa is facing a COVID-19 crisis, cases are surging and the continent is heading towards a global catastrophe. Over the last month deaths from COVID in Africa have increased 80%. Only roughly 3% of Africans have received the first shot, and the continent is not on track to vaccinate 10% of its population by the end of the year. The WHO’s Bruce Aylward said this should be “a scar on all of...
Let’s put aside the political spin and find out what the world leaders accomplished (or more accurately, failed to accomplish) at the G7. “In the face of a once in a generation pandemic that’s raging across the world, this G7 will collectively be remembered in just one word: underwhelming.” These are the words of ONE’s Acting CEO Tom Hart following yet another Summit that did not live up to the moment. The world is in a global crisis, and yet...