Ten-year-old Esther Okore, a primary six student of the Denon Free Tuition Education Foundation at Agbelekale, on the outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria, is a brilliant child who dreams of becoming a medical doctor. However, during the COVID-19 lockdown, her father lost his job, thus threatening not only whether or not Esther could stay in school, but also her four other siblings. Esther dreams of becoming a doctor as a means of giving back to society, but today that is a...
Many Canadians are still waiting to get their own vaccine, but let’s pull back and look at the big picture for now: For every 10 Canadians vaccinated we can vaccinate 1 African Healthcare Worker. This is a small move that lets us continue vaccinating here at home but will make a big difference in ending the pandemic. As the number of COVID-19 cases rise and the risk of prolonged lockdowns continue, Canadians are rightfully worried about getting sick, losing their...
Monday was Federal Budget Day in Canada, and as always was an important day for Canadians who care about ending extreme poverty around the world. The big question: is Canada investing our fair share on the global stage? This year, in the middle of the greatest global crisis in our lifetime, this question mattered more than ever. So how did the Budget respond to these global challenges? In short: the Government did the bare minimum beyond our borders, and is still...
Welcome to Pandemica. It’s a never-ending pandemic purgatory, where COVID-19 never goes away, but continues to mutate and cross borders. It’s the most deadly place on earth, where twice as many people die, the global economy loses an additional US$9.2 trillion, and life as we once knew it does not return for anyone. Sound familiar? We’re all in Pandemica. To escape, we need to act now. Having safe and effective vaccines within a year of the first reported COVID-19 cases...
ONE’s global supporters play a key role in supporting ONE’s mission and sharing our messages with the world. From demanding action from world leaders to watching and sharing our newest animated series, “Pandemica,” our supporters work hard to support our mission each day. And for those who want to make their support a little more personal, we’ve got just the thing: Pandemica backgrounds. About the backgrounds The only way the COVID-19 pandemic will end is when everyone, everywhere has access to...
With the federal budget just around the corner, there is plenty of talk about Canada’s response to the pandemic and “building back better”. How do we want to Government to guide our country through this troubled time? Fortunately, there is an answer that protects Canadians, and restarts a global economic recovery. The federal government’s primary job is to protect Canadians, which is why spending 99% of Canada’s emergency COVID response and recovery funding at home makes sense; we think the public will...
March 2021 marked the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization officially declaring COVID-19 a pandemic and of pandemic-related restrictions for many places in the world. To mark the moment, we asked our supporters what ending COVID-19 looks like to them. Almost 3,000 responses later, we learned that our supporters had a lot to say, so we decided to share it with the world. Here’s how it went. Campaign origins At the end of 2020, almost a full year since the first...
Something amazing has happened. The World Trade Organization just appointed its first-ever woman director general and its first-ever African as director general, all in the person of Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. The new DG brings both energy and amazing experience to the table — former VP of the World Bank, former finance minister of Nigeria, past chair of the board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and former board member of the ONE Campaign. CV highlights aside, Dr. Ngozi brings...
Are the actions of world leaders and pharmaceutical companies resulting in rich countries hoarding possible vaccines? Or are rich countries making sure that those who need a vaccine most (front-line workers and medical personnel), get a vaccine first? These questions are what ONE’s Vaccine Access Test is all about. By asking these questions, we can make sure countries like Canada follow best practices and evidence-based medical research. Fair global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines will end the pandemic faster for everyone, saving...
We need to invest 1% of our Covid-19 response to fight the global pandemic and #EndCovidEverywhere. The world is interconnected. This virus quickly jumped borders, showing everyone that no one will be safe until everyone is safe. That is why we need to invest in fighting the pandemic both at home and all over the world. Canadian development organizations and medical experts agreed that Canada should take 1% of our total Covid-19 spending and invest it in the global pandemic response....