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Global Fund: Fight for What Counts


Last week, ONE supporters took to the Hill alongside Results Canada, Global Citizen, GRAN, the Prevention Access Network, Stop-TB Canada, the TB Learning Network, and Plan International Canada. 

The mission: to speak with Parliamentarians about the importance of Canada’s renewed commitment to the Global Fund. 


The fight against HIV, TB, and malaria was the great unsung success story of this century. 


Scientists, doctors, health workers, activists, donors, and governments all came together to tackle preventable disease. 


And it was working. We had given ourselves a real shot at ending the three biggest killers in human history. For good. 


But then the pandemic struck, another disease demanded our attention and resources – and we’ve let these killers regain the initiative. 


Failing to stem that tide would be the worst possible legacy from the pandemic. 


That’s why we went into Parliament, asking for Canada to step up. The Global Fund needs $1.2 billion to finish the fight.


With over 40 virtual meetings taking place with Members of Parliament and Senators, we had an incredible week speaking to decision makers about the importance of Canada’s investment and why we cannot shortchange the $1.2 billion need. 


We secured the support of 15 (and counting!) Parliamentarians who’ve signed onto a public call to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushing for a strong Global Fund pledge from Canada. 


As Françoise Vanni of the Global Fund reiterated in her briefing with Parliamentarians as part of the Foreign Affairs Standing Committee, Canada is one of the founders of the Global Fund and has been a key investor and partner at every single replenishment cycle to date, including strong support from all of our Prime Ministers.


Some of the other highlights from last week include: 

  • Our joint #1Point2Billion hashtag got 100 social media mentions, 842 likes and generated 1140 public interactions; 
  • Our first ever Twitter Space with an indigenous health researcher and a LGBTQ2+ activist to raise awareness of current HIV issues and support our call to action on the Global Fund; and
  • 530 emails and 58 tweets from ONE supporters sent to International Development Minister Harjit Sajjan. 


The fight to end preventable and deadly diseases may sometimes seem like a never ending one, but the end is in sight. If Canada rises to meet the need, we will get back on track to end these diseases by 2030 (just 8 years away). 


Canadians have already helped save over 44 million lives in the last 20 years through investments in the Global Fund, and the fund is one of the most strategic returns on investment – every $1 invested yields $31 back in health and economic returns. 


With a $1.2 billion dollar investment, Canada has the opportunity to keep fighting back against the devastating impacts of HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria helping save nearly 20 million lives in just the next three years. 


Next stops on the Global Fund journey: 

  • the Pride Festival in Toronto at the end of June, 
  • a special “swarm the PM” mosquito-themed action on July 20th, and 
  • the International AIDS Conference in Montreal (where we hope to celebrate the full pledge from Canada)


Stay tuned for more opportunities to be involved and help us make sure that Canada will #FightForWhatCounts and invest our fair share in The Global Fund.

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