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“WORDS ALONE ARE NOT ENOUGH”: ONE Campaign Reaction to G7 Summit

The 2022 G7 Summit showed welcome ambition but delivered little to address converging crises

Campaigners Urge G7 To Deliver Actions Rather Than Broken Promises – As Latest Data Shows The Full Cost Of Converging Crises

Ahead of the G7, global activists have urged the group to act more decisively, as the threat to livelihood has gone to millions

Former Commonwealth Heads of Government call for the successful replenishment of the Global Fund

Former leaders of Commonwealth countries have penned an open letter in support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, calling on their governments to ensure it has the necessary resources to tackle the three killer diseases at the Fund’s replenishment conference later this year.

ONE reacts to the European Commission’s 2023 Draft Budget 

A status quo budget for an exceptional moment in time simply won’t do.

ONE responds to the FCDO’s 2022 International Development Strategy

ONE reacts with ‘the Foreign Secretary has decided to cut spending on education, including for girls, by 5%’

ONE Responds to reports ahead of International Development Strategy

“It is right to want UK aid to have the most impact and value for money possible, but this is often best achieved by working with the international organisations the Foreign Secretary wants to move away from.”

ONE accoglie con favore i contributi italiani durante il Summit COVID-19 per porre fine alla pandemia

The ONE Campaign commenta l’annuncio del governo italiano di contribuire con ulteriori 31 milioni di dosi di vaccini al programma COVAX e 200 milioni di euro in nuovi finanziamenti all’ACT-Accelerator per garantire un accesso globale ai vaccini. 

ONE Response to UK Global Covid Summit Announcement

Today the Global Covid Summit took place, where donors were asked to provide new pledges to boost the international pandemic response. The UK, for the third time, did put anything new on the table.

ONE reaction to the European Commission’s commitment at the 2nd Global COVID Summit

With the European Commission’s commitment at the 2nd Global COVID Summit, The ONE reacts with ‘it is vital this is completed’

Activists challenge world leaders to tackle converging crises at upcoming global summits

The ONE Campaign is calling on leaders meeting this week at a Global Summit on the global pandemic response to task upcoming challenges

L’opinione pubblica sostiene gli investimenti per la salute globale

Nel contesto delle attuali crisi dovute alla pandemia e alla guerra in Ucraina, dal sondaggio emerge che 8 italiani su 10 ritengono la cooperazione internazionale importante per prevenire minacce pandemiche future e che il sostegno ai rifugiati di guerra non debba andare a scapito di investimenti governativi per l’eradicazione della povertà nel mondo (77%).

ONE reacts to the IMF World Economic Outlook report

ONE reacts to the IMF World Economic Outlook report. ONE’s Africa Executive Director, said ‘these projections show the continued devastating impact’