It’s the end of National Craft Month! To celebrate, we found an easy, fun game you can craft for yourself at home. Let’s play Ayo!
What is it?
Ayo is a traditional two-player Nigerian board game, also called mancala in other cultures. Played by the Yoruba in Nigeria, it’s considered one of the oldest board games in the world! It can be a social experience—sometimes played in public spaces after the work day is over—as well as an educational game for children.
How do you make it?
All you need is an empty egg carton (which you can decorate if you want), two cups, and small playing pieces. (We used jelly beans!) Set up the game by sitting across from another player at each end of the egg carton, with a cup in front of each of you. Put four pieces into each of the empty dimples of the carton.
How do you play?
The starting player chooses a dimple and takes all the pieces. The player then plants one piece in each dimple, going counter-clockwise around the board.
If the last piece is put into their cup, that player gets another turn. If not, the game continues with the next player choosing a dimple and players alternating turns until there are no more pieces. The player with the most pieces in their cup wins the game.
Easy to make, easy to play, and there’s potential for sweet rewards—a big win all around!