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6 quotes that show how the world can be a better place by 2030

By now, you’ve heard about the Global Goals adopted by the UN in September and how they’ll shape world progress between now and 2030. Now, watch this talk—and check out our six favorite quotes—from social progress expert Michael Green about how the goals and their vision for a better future can be achieved:

1. “The Global Goals are who we, humanity, want to be.”


2. “The flagship target there was the half the the proportion of people living in poverty by 2015… Did we hit this target? Well, no, we didn’t. We exceeded it!”


3. “The world does still have plenty of problems. But the pessimists and doomsayers who say the world can’t get better are simply wrong.”


4. “Our choices matter. If we prioritize the well-being of people, then we can make a lot more progress than our GDP might expect.”


5. “I believe the Global Goals are a historic opportunity because the world’s leaders have promised to deliver them. …Let’s hold them to that promise. And we need to hold them to that progress by holding them accountable, tracking their progress all the way through the next 15 years.”


6. “Getting to the Global Goals will only happen if we do things differently. If our leaders do things differently. And for that to happen, that needs us to demand it. So let’s reject business as usual. Let’s demand a different path. Let’s choose the world that we want.”

THIS is why the Global Goals are so important. Stand as ONE and help us turn words into action!

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