
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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4 things you can do to promote global education

4 things you can do to promote global education

4 things you can do to fight global poverty

4 things you can do to fight global poverty

How Queen of Hearts in Johannesburg is transforming its community

How Queen of Hearts in Johannesburg is transforming its community

ONE at the EUROs! Leader scorecards

ONE at the EUROs! Leader scorecards

ONE at the EUROs! Scoring countries on global leadership

ONE at the EUROs! Scoring countries on global leadership

African youth are at the heart of the change we need now

African youth are at the heart of the change we need now

5 things you can do to change the world

5 things you can do to change the world

Zainab Bala and Bernadette Vivuya Win The Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling

Zainab Bala and Bernadette Vivuya Win The Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling

Meet the voices behind ‘Pandemica’

Meet the voices behind ‘Pandemica’

IKhaya Le Langa: Creating jobs and opportunities for young men in South Africa

IKhaya Le Langa: Creating jobs and opportunities for young men in South Africa

5 quotes from Nelson Mandela that inspire young activists worldwide

5 quotes from Nelson Mandela that inspire young activists worldwide

14 ONE Global Activists share what International Youth Day means to them

14 ONE Global Activists share what International Youth Day means to them

ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.