Did you know that vaccines are one of the most cost-effective health tools ever invented? Or that immunization is one of humanity’s greatest achievements?   It’s pretty impressive that something as small as a needle or as simple as a few orally administered droplets could save so many lives. Ensuring everyone can access vaccines is one of the biggest ways we can fight not only preventable diseases, but also inequality and poverty.    Here are six facts about the power of vaccines.   Millions of...
We know there is power in coming together as one. One voice. One driving force.   At ONE, we know that there is power in numbers, and that power can be used to fight for a more equal and just world. For the last two decades, this has been our mission.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px2nGyDMpDk As ONE celebrates 20 years of activism this year, we are looking back at our accomplishments and looking ahead at what’s next.   Keep reading to find out how we’ve...
Meet the seaweed farmers of Zanzibar. These women are pioneers in a profitable industry, which was previously dominated by men. They’ve used their profits to support their community and uplift women and girls in Zanzibar’s society. Now, that all could change. If they can’t adapt to the very real impacts of climate change, this $8 million industry, and these women’s livelihoods, are at risk. But these women aren’t giving up.  How these women broke barriers Seaweed farming began in Zanzibar, Tanzania, in the...
It may feel like the world is crumbling under the weight of the climate crisis, soaring cost of living, and inequality. But it's not time to give up. It's time to take bold action. Al Pacino is here to give us all a halftime pep talk to keep fighting. https://youtu.be/s9wyryL6hCE Join the ONE Campaign and find out how you can fight for progress, one inch at a time. Every action toward ending poverty, ending inequality, and standing up for justice...
Eden Tadesse, a social entrepreneur, human rights advocate, and a ONE activist from Ethiopia, won the 2023 Gates Foundation Goalkeepers Progress Award! She is an advocate for refugee rights and her vision is a world where refugees have equal opportunities to fair wages and good jobs. Eden founded Invicta in 2019. It's a digital platform that helps refugees learn new skills, find jobs, integrate into their new homes, and connect with international companies. More than 35,000 people from 90 countries...
Today, we take a look at candidates Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak‘s political priorities, as featured in their campaigns, and highlight gaps related to ONE‘s areas of interest and more. The resignation of Boris Johnson as the prime minister caused chaos within the government and the parliament, delaying, among other agenda items, the discussion over energy bills caps. The current hustings between Truss and Sunak are aimed at allowing the members of the Conservative Party to vote for the new...
Omicron has raised a lot of questions about what comes next in the pandemic. What will future variants look like? Will this just become like the seasonal flu soon? Should we all just learn to live with COVID-19 and all the disruptions? Two years in, we all know it‘s impossible to predict the direction of COVID-19. But we‘ve tackled some of the myths and misconceptions about what might come after Omicron. Myth 1. Omicron isn‘t really that bad. The highly transmissible Omicron...
Forget Bonnie and Clyde and Jesse James. The real pros steal money in super-massive amounts, on an industrial scale. And for really big thefts you need to be organised and connected, so businesses and politicians rank high on the list of the world’s greatest heists. Here's 11 of the biggest thefts in history.
Teodorin Obiang is the son of the president of Equatorial Guinea. He held a modest government post in Equatorial Guinea that paid an estimated US$80,000 a year. But, through corruption and money laundering, he managed to make some insane purchases — all while three-fourths of Equatorial Guinea’s population reportedly lived on less than US$1.25 a day.  Here’s how he spends his money! 1.Michael Jackson Memorabilia, to the tune of US$3.2 million. This includes US$275,000 for a Bad Tour glove, US$80,000 for a...
What’s tiny, portable, cost-effective and powerful enough to save lives? A vaccine. Vaccines are one of the most cost-effective health tools ever invented. In Gavi-supported countries, every US$1 spent on immunisation generates US$54 in broader societal benefits thanks to people living longer and healthier lives. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about vaccines, so we wanted to make sure you have the facts. Here are a few things you should know about vaccinations. 1. Immunisation saves up to 3 million lives...