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6 gifts that give back for every activist on your holiday shopping list!


’Tis the season to give back! The end of the year means a lot of things — reflecting on the year that‘s passed, preparing for the year ahead, and giving back.

Activists worldwide stepped up this year to do their part to make the world a better place. And this time of year is the perfect time to show them a little appreciation.

Here are 6 gifts that give back for every activist on your holiday shopping list!

Make a donation in their name

Donations are simple gifts that have huge impacts. This holiday season, ask the activists in your life what some of their favorite charities and organizations are, and make a donation in their name.

Get them a pair of Bombas socks

Socks for the holidays might initially seem like a not-so-great gift, but they are actually pretty underrated. And Bombas takes that to the next level. For every pair of socks purchased, Bombas works with a network of partners to donate a pair to those in need.

Plus, if the activist in your life isn‘t in need of socks, that‘s OK! Bombas also sell t-shirts and underwear, so every person‘s, and donation‘s, need is met.


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Get them a (RED) Therabody Product

Our friends at (RED) are the experts at gifts that give back. Help the activist in your life indulge in a little self-care by gifting them any (RED) Therabody product. Whether it‘s a Theragun or body lotion, the activist in your life can indulge in some well-deserved downtime, knowing that the purchase of their gift contributed to funds to fight global health emergencies.

Buy them a Wakanda Forever Candle

If the activist on your holiday shopping list is a Marvel, “Black Panther,” or “Wakanda Forever” fan, then this is the gift for them. This aptly named Wakanda Forever candle will freshen up their home while also doing good. The company that sells it, Frères Branchiaux, donates 10% of proceeds to homeless shelters across the US.

Gift them or their little ones, Lola the Llama

If there are small children in your activists‘ life, then this is the perfect gift that gives back to a good cause. Lola the Llama is a cuddly friend who helps fight child hunger. Purchasing a doll will donate ten meals to children worldwide in need!


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Plant a tree in their name

For the climate activist in your life, do some good for both them and the environment by planting a tree in their name. Trees for the Future provide personalized TREES certificates and plants trees for every donation made (like in an activist‘s name)! The certificate will also include how many trees were planted with your donation.

Feeling inspired after the holiday shopping is done? Find out how you can get involved and become an activist yourself!

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