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6 things activists can do to change the world


Across the world, people are taking to the streets to protest racial inequality and injustice. At ONE, our fight to end extreme poverty and preventable disease is rooted in the fight for equality and justice, so that everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity.

But as you know, to make a change, it requires using your voice and taking action. If you’re looking for ways to do this, we’ve got six things to help you get started.

If you’re ready to make big change happen, we’ve got six things to help you get started.

1. Exercise your rights

We all want to get the world in better shape. Exercising your rights is one of the best things you can do to make the world a more just and equal place.

Whether it’s your right to protest, free speech, your right to vote, or your right to petition, it’s important to use your rights for the good of the world. Through these exercises, you can help get the world in the best shape possible!

Looking for a place to start? As a ONE supporter, you’ll have plenty of opportunities this year to exercise your rights.

2. Organize your community

Organizing your community will allow you to take bigger, better and clearer actions to make change happen. Advocating in your community is a big task, but there are small steps you can take to get started.

Online community forums and open-door meetings can help you meet new people who care about the same causes as you do. Once you have people who want to get involved in your cause, think about what actions you can take together and start planning.

If you want to improve your community organizing, there’s a lot you can learn from our Yours in Power activists. These expert advocates use the power of local activism to make massive change happen.

3. Read more things that inspire you

Whether fiction or nonfiction, stories or stats, fantasy-based or fact-based, there’s no denying the power of a good read. Reading something new can strengthen your knowledge, connect with an issue, inspire you to take action, or give you valuable insights into the world around you. The more you read, the better equipped you are to make change happen.

If you’re looking for books that will fuel your activism, our policy team and Youth Ambassadors have some great recommendations.

4. Make good investments

Whether it is your time or your money the idea behind investing is simple: by paying a little more today, we get a lot more in return in the future. By encouraging our leaders, governments, and communities to invest in the equitable distribution of education, health services, and infrastructure, we can build a more inclusive society as a whole.

This year, ONE has been working to ensure world leaders make the right choices when it comes to health and investing in the well-being and future of people in the world’s poorest countries— from making sure people have access to life-saving vaccines through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to combating gender-based violence.

5. Take action with friends and family

No matter what issues you care about, chances are you’re not alone. There’s power in numbers, and having the people close to you by your side can make your activism even more impactful. You can even make new friends through your passion to make a difference!

There are plenty of groups and organizations where you, your friends and family, and anyone else can get involved! Keep your eyes out for volunteer opportunities at ONE throughout the year. And if you’re a college student or youth activist, you can apply to be a  ONE Volunteer, Youth Ambassador or ONE Champion!

As a ONE supporter, you have honed your advocacy skills. So, please, continue to utilize them to press for equality and justice for people across the globe and for those in your community as well.

6. Learn something new

The more informed you get on the issues you care about, the better you’ll be able to advocate for them! A good foundation of knowledge on issues will allow you to better communicate with others about why they’re important, and give you more insight on how to take action.

Are you looking for ways to brush up on the topic of racial equality specifically? Check out this list of resources on the Black Lives Matter movement, or this list of books to read on racism and inequality.

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