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ONE Campaign responds to refugee summit in New York

“These children have already lost their homes. They shouldn’t lose their futures, too.” 

NEW YORK — The ONE Campaign responded to the Leaders’ Summit on the Global Refugee Crisis on Tuesday.

A group of more than 30 countries, led by the US, cumulatively increased their total 2016 financial contributions to UN appeals and international humanitarian organizations by approximately $4.5 billion over 2015 levels. They roughly doubled the number of refugees they resettled, created improved access to education for one million refugee children globally; and, improved access to lawful work for one million refugees globally. 

Eloise Todd, Global Policy Director of The ONE Campaign, said:

“ONE members around the world have raised their voices to encourage world leaders to ensure that every refugee child gets the education he or she needs to thrive. We’re glad that the summit met its goal of winning commitments to improve access to education for a million more refugee children. If leaders follow up, these commitments will transform lives. Participating refugee-hosting countries should be applauded for committing to make the bold changes necessary for this to happen.

“This is a great first step, but let’s be clear: this is just a first step. Even if every commitment made this week is delivered, there will still be 2.7 million refugee children out of school. Donors and refugee-hosting countries need to work together urgently to ensure that all refugee children are getting an education within 30 days of being displaced. These children have already lost their homes. They shouldn’t lose their futures, too.”

Tamira Gunzburg, Brussels Director of The ONE Campaign, said:

“In recent years, the European Commission has actively supported refugee education, especially in the Syria region, for example with a EUR 90 million partnership with UNICEF. In order to make sure that the EU is able to meet refugee children’s needs in the poorest countries of the world as well, European leaders should increase humanitarian aid in the EU’s 2017 budget, while at the same time continuing to invest in long-term development programmes so that future crises can be averted.”


Notes to editors:


Contact, information & interviews
Andrea Ghianda // [email protected] // +32 (0)471 89 64 22


ABOUT ONE: The ONE Campaign is a policy and advocacy organization of more than 7.5 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. Not politically partisan, it raises public awareness and presses political leaders to combat AIDS and other preventable diseases, increase investments in agriculture and nutrition, and demand greater transparency from governments and poverty-fighting programs.