
Stories, insights, and perspectives on activism

ONE Blog

Read stories, how-to tips, and more about using your activism to fight for justice and global change.

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Download now! Check out our ‘Pandemica’ backgrounds

Download now! Check out our ‘Pandemica’ backgrounds

Why Canada should spend 1% of its COVID-19 response and recovery funding on additional international assistance

Why Canada should spend 1% of its COVID-19 response and recovery funding on additional international assistance

Here’s a look at what ending COVID-19 means to ONE’s global supporters

Here’s a look at what ending COVID-19 means to ONE’s global supporters

Global health meets global trade

Global health meets global trade

The Vaccine Access Test: Is Canada committed to global vaccine fairness?

The Vaccine Access Test: Is Canada committed to global vaccine fairness?

Pandemic Action Plan: Is Canada Investing our Fair Share in the Global Pandemic Response?

Pandemic Action Plan: Is Canada Investing our Fair Share in the Global Pandemic Response?

Actions Speak Louder: Canada must fight COVID-19 everywhere, not just at home

Actions Speak Louder: Canada must fight COVID-19 everywhere, not just at home

Why we’re joining World Mask Week

Why we’re joining World Mask Week

Be kind, be calm, and be safe

Be kind, be calm, and be safe

We must believe in our power as women to change the system

We must believe in our power as women to change the system

Watch now: Danai Gurira and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on inequalities

Watch now: Danai Gurira and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on inequalities

Watch now: David Oyelowo and Gayle Smith on a global COVID-19 response

Watch now: David Oyelowo and Gayle Smith on a global COVID-19 response


ONE Data & Analysis

Data and analysis on the economic, political, and social changes impacting Africa.