Globally, rates of extreme poverty are declining. But, that positive progress isn’t reflected when we examine poverty rates at a regional level. 70% of the world’s poorest live in Africa and forecasts indicate that “by 2030, nearly 9 in 10 extremely poor people will live in sub-Saharan Africa.” So, how can we change this? One key way to stem poverty is to invest in key interventions that will enable people to live healthy and productive lives, like vaccines. The power of...
Vaccines are undoubtedly one of the most important health tools at our disposal. But many people still have questions about what exactly they are and how they work. In June, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is asking world leaders for at least US$7.4 billion so they can continue their work delivering vaccines to the poorest countries for another five years. With full funding, Gavi could ensure 300 million more children get the vaccines they need to survive and thrive. That’s why we...
Since June 2019, ONE and our partners have been calling for the sexual assault laws in Senegal to be dramatically improved in order to protect women and girls from gender-based violence. The campaign grew quickly through a new petition and partnerships with local groups. We engaged supporters by email, social media, blog posts, and on-the-ground activity — with more than 97,000 people from across the globe joining our calls. And we’re proud to say all our efforts have led to...
Currently, Canada’s investment in foreign aid is well below average when compared to our peers. But let’s not get pessimistic about it. Instead, let’s look at what we could do! What if Canada stepped up our game? What impact could we achieve in the world? Each month, we’re looking at the 10 different areas Canada can invest in to have a real impact in the world. The first area of impact we want to talk about is vaccines, one of...
Why do we need to invest in global health programmes? Just look at what's happening right now in China. It's only January and we have already seen the first major health alert of the new decade, following an outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, China. In a short amount of time coronavirus, a contagious respiratory infection that can be fatal, has already spread to nearly every province in the country and in the past week has reached Europe and North America. The...
What’s tiny, portable, cost-effective and powerful enough to save lives? A vaccine. Vaccines are one of the most cost-effective health tools ever invented. In Gavi-supported countries, every US$1 spent on immunisation generates US$54 in broader societal benefits thanks to people living longer and healthier lives. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about vaccines, so we wanted to make sure you have the facts. Here are a few things you should know about vaccinations. 1. Immunisation saves up to 3 million lives...
Many experts and academics have written detailed studies demonstrating the impact of foreign aid. When done right, foreign aid helps save lives. For example, Canada supports Gavi, a global organization that has helped save more than 13 million lives through delivering vaccines in developing countries. Foreign aid helps build stronger communities and economies. Foreign aid helps address the issues that make poverty a vicious circle. It is a long-term investment that benefits Canada and the world. We've already shared with...
In the fight against extreme poverty, the smallest thing can make the biggest impact. Something as small as a vaccine has the mighty power to save millions of children’s lives worldwide. Over the next few months, we’ll be advocating for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to make sure that people everywhere can access the vaccinations they need to live healthy lives. Here’s everything you need to know about Gavi: What exactly is Gavi? Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is an organisation that improves access to...
This Canadian invention saves lives around the world... 50 years ago, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson created the global “fair share” target for foreign aid. That number is 0.7% of a country’s national income. Yes, less than one percent. Another way to look at it is that countries meeting this goal would still spend 99.3% of their national wealth on themselves. So, how much do you think Canada gives today? Are we doing our fair share? How do you think we’ve measured up...
108 years. That’s how long ago the first International Women’s Day took place. On March 19, 1911, over a million people worldwide rallied for equal rights. They demanded that women have the right to work, receive vocational training, hold public office, and vote. A lot has changed in 108 years, but we’ve still got a long way to go. Across the globe, women are still legally prevented from having the same economic opportunities as men. In some places, women are barred from...