See who signed the pledge

Find out who is ready to tackle the greatest challenges the world is facing today.

Find out who is ready to tackle the greatest challenges the world is facing today.

The Members of the European Parliament below have signed our pledge and are committed to fighting the greatest global challenges of our generation and delivering a fair and dignified future for everyone.

NamePolitical GroupCountry
Kathleen van BremptS&DBelgium
Estelle CeulemansS&DBelgium
Saskia BricmontGreens/EFABelgium
Sara MatthieuGreens/EFABelgium
Yvan VerougstraeteEPPBelgium
Liesbet SommenEPPBelgium
Wouter BekeEPPBelgium
Villy SøvndalGreens/EFADenmark
Urmas PaetRenew EuropeEstonia
Mika AaltolaEPPFinland
David CormandGreens/EFAFrance
Marie ToussaintGreens/EFAFrance
Mélissa CamaraGreens/EFAFrance
Mounir SatouriGreens/EFAFrance
Madjouline SbaiGreens/EFAFrance
Nora MebarekS&DFrance
Raphaël GlucksmannS&DFrance
Pierre JouvetS&DFrance
Aurore LalucqS&DFrance
Christophe ClergeauS&DFrance
Murielle LaurentS&DFrance
Jean-Marc GermainS&DFrance
Emma RafowiczS&DFrance
Thomas Pellerin-CarlinS&DFrance
Chloé RidelS&DFrance
Eric SargiacomoS&DFrance
Claire FitaS&DFrance
François KalfonS&DFrance
Sandro GoziRenew EuropeFrance
Niclas HerbstEPPGermany
Nela RiehlGreens/EFAGermany
Rasmus AndresenGreens/EFAGermany
Maria NoichlS&DGermany
René RepasiS&DGermany
Bernd LangeS&DGermany
Jens GeierS&DGermany
Udo BullmannS&DGermany
Sakis ArnaoutoglouS&DGreece
Alessandra MorettiS&DItaly
Giorgio GoriS&DItaly
Elisabetta GualminiS&DItaly
Alessandro ZanS&DItaly
Camilla LauretiS&DItaly
Marco TarquinioS&DItaly
Nicola ZingarettiS&DItaly
Benedetta ScuderiGreens/EFAItaly
Cristina GuardaGreens/EFAItaly
Leoluca OrlandoGreens/EFAItaly
Mimmo LucanoGreens/EFAItaly
Mario FuroreThe LeftItaly
Dario TamburranoThe LeftItaly
Pasquale TridicoThe LeftItaly
Ingeborg ter LaakEPPNetherlands
Marit MaijS&DNetherlands
Mohammed ChahimS&DNetherlands
Bas EickhoutGreens/EFANetherlands
Kim van SparrentakGreens/EFANetherlands
Catarina VieiraGreens/EFANetherlands
Anna StrolenbergGreens/EFANetherlands
Tineke StrikGreens/EFANetherlands
Reinier van LanschotGreens/EFANetherlands
Thijs ReutenGreens/EFANetherlands
Anja HazekampThe Left Netherlands
Raquel Garcia Hermida-Van Der WalleRenew EuropeNetherlands
Gerben-Jan GerbrandyRenew EuropeNetherlands
Ana Catarina MendesS&DPortugal
Sergio GonçalvesS&DPortugal
Hélder Sousa SilvaEPPPortugal
Catarina MartinsThe LeftPortugal
Dan BarnaRenew EuropeRomania
Michal WiezikRenew EuropeSlovakia
Matjaž NemecS&DSlovenia
Javier Moreno SánchezS&DSpain
Juan Fernando Lopez AguilarS&DSpain
Rosa Estaràs FerragutEPPSpain
Abir Al-SahlaniRenew EuropeSweden