Donations will be used to change the lives of kids who need it most. Our favorite part? Red Nose Day's 2016 partners include GAVI The Vaccine Alliance, The Global Fund, and more!
In a massive feat of endurance, ONE members have been campaigning relentlessly for increased support for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance for the last eight (yes, eight!) months.
They’ve tweeted, instagrammed, held meetings, signed petitions, made phone calls, shared their children’s drawings, and demonstrated on the streets – all to drive home the point to world leaders that #EveryParent deserves the chance to give their child a healthy start in life.
So, unless these leaders have been living on under rocks (with...
The Art of Saving a Life is a collection of stories about how vaccines continue to change the course of history. It offers an opportunity to hear, see and feel the tremendous impact of immunization, and to energize us in the global effort to protect every child from life-threatening disease.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation commissioned 30 world-renowned photographers, painters, sculptors, writers, filmmakers, and musicians created representations focused on the past, present and future impact of immunization.