119th Congress Briefing Book


119th Congress Briefing Book

ONE is a global, nonpartisan organization fighting for a more just world by demanding the investments needed to create economic opportunities and healthier lives in Africa.

We envision a world where Africa is an equal player, where people across Africa have access to abundant economic opportunities and lead thriving, healthy lives.

This is a vision shared by US and African leaders and the ultimate goal of our work. The proposals and programs outlined below are helping the continent turn this vision into a reality. We look forward to working with you and your staff to advance policies towards this future.

Download our full Briefing Book or the individual sections of interest below

119th Briefing Book: Full Report

Introduction to ONE

Ch. 1: Leading to Healthier Lives

Ch. 2: Creating Economic Opportunities

Ch. 3: Communicating About Foreign Assistance

Ch. 4: Foreign Assistance Glossary