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ONE calls EU leaders to increase rather than cut EU aid in the next long term budget

Brussels – Ahead of the next European Council on 17-18 October and following the ‘Independent report by the High-Level Group of Wise Persons on the European financial architecture for development’, ONE is calling EU leaders to increase EU aid in the next EU’s long-term budget particularly to the countries with the highest poverty rates, 27 out of 28 of which are located in Africa.

The ‘Independent report by the High-Level Group of Wise Persons on the European financial architecture for development’ made clear that the status quo is not sufficient to address tomorrow’s development challenges, that the EU urgently needs to increase its level of ambition in terms of quantity and efficiency of aid and investment. ONE stresses the assessment that the current proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework is insufficient to seriously engage with Africa, and that more resources are needed to support inclusive growth and create jobs.

Emily Wigens, Director of the EU’s long term budget campaign at The ONE Campaign, said: 

Africa needs 22.5 million new jobs a year to provide opportunities for its doubling youth population by 2050. Now, it’s time for the EU to strategically plan for a serious partnership with Africa by taking urgent steps to maximize its development impact. The first step is budgeting the necessary level of ambition in the Multiannual Financial Framework, to the tune of €140 billion in EU aid. 

As we face some of the most complex challenges of our generation, citizens expect the EU must lead the way in securing a future where no one is left behind.”


Note to editors: 

Independent report by the High-Level Group of Wise Persons on the European financial architecture for development: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/40967/efad-report_final.pdf