ONE has been pressing world leaders to commit to a global plan to end this pandemic for 18 months. And, today it‘s finally happening! On Wednesday September 22 at the UN General Assembly, world leaders, the private sector, and organizations like ONE will gather for a Global COVID-19 Summit to commit to a plan to vaccinate the world. We‘re 18 months into this pandemic, and we have seen remarkable acts of heroism, compassion, and scientific innovation. But we‘ve also seen...
As an organisation created to tackle extreme poverty and preventable disease, the past year has been a stark reminder to everyone at ONE just how important this mission is. All around the world, we have seen how a single virus has brought chaos and fear — threatening people‘s lives and livelihoods and wreaking havoc on whole economies. As is so often the case, the poorest and most vulnerable have borne the brunt of this crisis; for them, an end to...
The world has been experiencing a global learning crisis: 90% of children in low-income countries could not read and understand a simple story by their 10th birthday. And then COVID-19 hit and made things worse. At the peak of the pandemic 1.6 billion children were pushed out of school, and 8 out of 10 children surveyed in 46 countries said that they learned very little or not at all since the pandemic began. What did we do? We kicked off our...