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Financial Transaction Tax – an opportunity for smart funding for smart development aid

A majority of EU Finance Ministers have backed plans for 11 EU member states, including France and Germany, to press ahead with a common tax on financial transactions.

February EU budget summit: a second chance for leaders to do the right thing on aid

Reacting to the confirmation today that the EU budget will be on the agenda of the EU leaders’ summit on February 7-8, Eloise Todd, Brussels Director of ONE said: “Back in November, EU leaders were close to doing a deal on the budget that would have cut proposed lifesaving aid by more, in relative terms, than any other area of spending. The February summit is an opportunity to right that wrong.

Coalition mid-term review reaction: ONE responds to coalition government’s announcement to deliver legislation on 0.7 international development spending target

ONE welcomes the government’s announcement in its mid-term review that it remains committed to deliver the proposed increase in aid to 0.7 per cent of Gross National Income from 2013, and will enshrine this commitment in law.