Cindy Beedie is a passionate philanthropic and community leader. Her dedication to supporting humanitarian causes locally and internationally over the last three decades is an inspiration to all who know her, and especially to those many organisations and individuals who have benefited from her and her family’s generosity of spirit. She has expanded her reach even further after witnessing firsthand the pain and suffering of families living in refugee camps in Kenya, Jordan and Greece. It was a life-changing experience. Humbled and moved by what she saw, Cindy devotes her time, energy and financial support to children and their families caught in surviving serious crises and living in ongoing need. She is currently spearheading a multi-million-dollar campaign to provide housing and childcare for women in British Columbia who want to pursue higher education and return to work. This is just one of the ways Cindy is driven to make a difference, creating opportunities for people to live healthy and productive lives one step at a time.
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- Cindy Beedie
Plus de membres de Global Leadership Circle
Hilary Gumbel
Don Gips
PDG, Skoll Foundation
Dr. Rajiv Shah
Président de la Rockefeller Foundation
Win Sheridan
BDW Investments, LLC
Mellody Hobson
Codirectrice générale et Présidente de Ariel Investments, LLC
Angelo Moratti
Fondateur et président d'Angel Capital Management et de Milano Investment Partners
Zouera Youssoufou
Directrice générale et PDG de la Fondation Aliko Dangote
Theresia Gouw
Associée fondatrice, Acrew Capital
Ryan Beedie
Président, Beedie
David Giampaolo
Fondateur et PDG, Pi Capital
Kevin Sheekey
Responsable mondial des relations avec les gouvernements et de la communication chez Bloomberg LP. Président de Bloomberg Government
Helene D. Gayle
Présidente, Spelman College