The European Union is one of the world’s biggest aid donors, and this money provides vital, life-saving support for some of the world’s poorest people. This also funds long-term sustainable projects that help lift millions out of poverty for good.
With hundreds of candidates running for the European elections, we called on them to publicly demonstrate their commitment to the fight against extreme poverty and sign the ONE Vote 2019 pledge.
What we achieved
- More than 200 members of the European Parliament signed the pledge. No party group can claim to be bigger than that. It was a powerful statement that, even in uncertain political times, political leaders can agree with us on one thing: Where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live.
What we did
- ONE Youth Ambassadors reached out to their local candidates to talk politics and brought one very simple question to the table: Will you commit to fighting extreme poverty once you are elected?
- 30 Youth Ambassadors travelled to Brussels and took over the European Parliament. Equipped with stats and enthusiasm, they had almost 40 meetings with policymakers and managed to get the vast majority of them on board.
- ONE supporters from all over Europe joined forces digitally. They sent thousands of messages, emails, and tweets to politicians — showing them that people from all walks of life and across the continent demand action in the fight against extreme poverty.
See some of our ongoing campaigns and learn more about how you can lend your voice to fight against extreme poverty.